7 Trends for Organizational Culture Transformation in 2024

The job market is constantly changing, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, several new trends have emerged in a short period. We’ve changed our work environment, the way we communicate, developed new skills, and even rethought our careers. Consequently, the organizational culture of companies has also undergone adaptations.

The pandemic has strengthened Internal Communication, making it even more strategic and important for employees, leaders, and companies. To ensure the mental and physical health of professionals, it was necessary to digitize channels and update messages, while still keeping people connected with each other and the company – despite the distance.

Its importance became clear when organizational rituals began to take on new formats to bring professionals closer together and engage them, without losing the company’s values – a process that is likely to continue to solidify.

Now, let’s talk about some of the main trends for organizational culture in the coming years.

A revisit to organizational culture
Based on all the experiences during the pandemic, professionals have changed, and organizational culture has expanded, needing to be revisited to meet new needs, keep companies relevant in the market, and retain their talent.

Companies currently work with people from different generations, who have worked in different formats (in-person, hybrid, or remote) and with diverse views. It is a challenging context for Internal Communication, which must understand the dynamism of this reality to define and contribute to the transformation of organizational culture.

Revisiting the values and behaviors of the company can be a delicate moment when envisioning a prosperous future, but continuous development is fundamental and expected by employees in the adaptation process. It is necessary to ensure that all messages and resources make sense together and with the current work routine of the employee.

What needs to be evolved to support strategic objectives? What are the expected behaviors that no longer align with the new reality of the work journey? How to ensure that a possible distance and digitalization do not hinder the experience of organizational culture among teams?

This is the moment when Internal Communication must focus on strengthening organizational culture, and thus, the need for the birth of a new culture based on the experiences of recent years will be visible. The current scenario of each company needs to be identified, understood, and managed so that it is possible to work and experience organizational values ​​on a daily basis.

Definition of strategic objectives for the year

What are your organization’s priorities for 2024? The turbulent time is ending, and it’s time to step on the accelerator and move on to action, without neglecting care for employees. The corporate environment needs to adapt to the new reality, and for that, it is essential that the strategic objectives of the year are well defined.

Strategy is fundamental to the success of any campaign, and with the definition of the organization’s main goals, it is possible to assign action plans to achieve them. Whether financial, internal culture, relationship, or with end customers, this is a point that cannot be overlooked when the company begins to think about its next year of operation.

With the objectives defined, Internal Communication will not only be able to strengthen organizational culture but also engage employees to support the achievement of the year’s goals. With actions and messages, subtle or explicit, it can always reinforce the important points of the strategy to professionals throughout the year.

Personalized Internal Communication

In 2023, companies need to prioritize content that is truly relevant and interesting to professionals, avoiding as much as possible the excess of information. Not only does the quantity of communications sent need to be reviewed, but also their content. It is essential to simplify messages, bringing only the main points to ensure they are absorbed in the busy day-to-day work.

The content needs to be attractive to all professionals, who have become more diverse and connected, taking into account also the consumption profile of the new generations, who are joining organizations in force. The appreciation of quality of life grows even more, and this needs to be present in the actions presented.

It is necessary to know the audience you are speaking to. Some employees have undergone a change in the work environment, from in-person to remote, while others have been hired already in the home-office regime.

Personalized Internal Communication, which brings important issues for the organization but also are of interest to the employee, is essential. Exploring new content formats and techniques such as storytelling and the inclusion of personal stories to humanize actions is a trend.

It is time to rethink processes and tools, relinquishing those that are no longer effective and adopting new ones. The company’s communication needs to get closer to the teams and adopt channels that provide dialogue among all people in the organization, regardless of the work model.

Channels that promote humanization and protagonism

As mentioned in the previous item, the humanization of the organization and the protagonism of the employee will gain even more strength in 2023. In recent years, this theme has already begun to gain relevance – with communications focused on the needs of the moment, such as mental health and care for people – but this remains a challenge for Internal Communication, even with the transformations made for this purpose.

The various experiences lived by different professionals, in the most varied work models, have expanded the cultural universe of organizations. Moreover, society as a whole is undergoing changes.

Communication channels need to accompany these changes, being more assertive and allowing accessibility to all, promoting dialogue. The work environments themselves will also need to be reviewed, both in the digital and in-person scenarios. 2023 will call for action. Organizations need not only to communicate their values ​​but also to demonstrate them in daily life.

Themes such as diversity, inclusion, and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) are increasingly important and valued by people and the market. Companies will increasingly demonstrate social and environmental responsibility, being responsible for the reproduction of concepts, reinforcing and practicing best practices on important topics for society.

Decentralization of Internal Communication

A strategy that will become even more relevant for communication next year is empowering teams, based on this employee protagonism, decentralizing the Internal Communication area to continue strategically supporting the business.

We must remember that employees experience the company’s culture on a daily basis and can be partners in the communication strategy. For them, this is an opportunity to develop, learn, and innovate. And for the company, it is time to motivate people to participate more and more.

By listening to and respecting the opinions and suggestions of professionals, new ideas will emerge. It will be possible to identify if the organization’s values are being effectively transmitted and where it is possible or necessary to improve.

The integration of teams in processes will further support Employer Branding, as it is the employees who convey the true essence of the company to the external audience. By involving them, expanding roles, and encouraging their actions as true ambassadors of the organization, the results tend to be even more positive.

Communicative Leadership and Internal Influencers
It’s time to invest in internal ambassadors and influencers. This strategy will become even stronger throughout 2023, allowing employees to become spokespersons for organizations when it comes to everyday work experience and perception of the company as a great place to work.

Spreading organizational culture, setting examples of conduct, and being present in moments of need and team doubts, these individuals can belong to any area of the company, as long as they represent its values well and reflect the positive experience they have from their perspective.

Influencers have proven to be effective in expanding the construction, consolidation, and reconstruction of issues involving culture strengthening, climate, employer brand, and organizational reputation. In this same context, there is also a growing need for training that empowers leaders as communicators, enhancing leadership’s listening and soft skills in people management.

Current leaders need to demonstrate to their teams a relationship of honesty and transparency, recognizing and understanding their fears and motivations. This is a human leader, accessible, who promotes actions that contribute to healthy relationships and happiness at work.

Listening, Measurement, and Management

For all the above trends to happen in companies, a very important process must be constantly carried out: active listening. To mobilize changes and consolidate a cultural vision, it is necessary to be close to people, listen to them, and understand their workplace struggles.

Constant research and diagnosis will not cease to exist because mindsets and behaviors do not always align with the demands of the moment. People want to be heard and see their voice heard quickly, so increasingly shorter yet precise and strategic action plans will be necessary.

Active listening and measurement, as well as the management of the change and cultural transformation we are experiencing, are essential for organizations and their professionals to continue to evolve and develop.

To understand and meet the needs and expectations of all employee profiles, as well as to strengthen, consolidate, or evolve organizational culture, companies need to listen attentively to those who experience it on a daily basis.

Not only for the next year, but for all that will come, the importance of evolving in these areas to face the challenges of the new organizational culture context is undeniable. The role of Internal Communication is even more valued by the market, becoming essential for the development of companies.

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